

Comscore is a media analytics tool that measures user engagement across many channels like linear TV, connected TV, digital, and others. Use this data to inform your audience building efforts and gain greater advertising ROI from your first-party data.

Why Comscore + MetaRouter

MetaRouter delivers a high-quality, first-party data stream that includes up to 30% more customer data compared to traditional third-party tags. Gain parameter-by-parameter control over all data sent to Comscore for maximum customer privacy and security.


Get a step-by-step guide on how to setup this integration

Benefits of Using
with MetaRouter
  • Up to 30% more data collected compared to third-party tags due to ad blocking and other client-side issues
  • Parameter-by-parameter control gives your organization total transparency and control over all data sent
  • Single, standardized event stream for Comscore and other destinations
  • No Comscore or other third-party tags required

Take Control of Your Customer Data

Book a Personalized demo to see how you can gain full control over your own customer data.