
𝕏 (Twitter)

Serving ads on Twitter helps you reach the millions of people who look to their social media feed for trending news & entertainment. Twitter supports the use of customer data to improve campaign targeting and performance.

Why X Ads + MetaRouter

MetaRouter leverages the X Events API to route real-time conversion data with a server-to-server integration. That means X can use MetaRouter's event stream to measure advertising campaign performance and attribute conversions to ads.

𝕏 (Twitter)

Get a step-by-step guide on how to setup this integration

Benefits of Using
𝕏 (Twitter)
with MetaRouter
  • Compliments the X website tag with server-side data
  • Up to 30% more data- including conversions- tracked compared to the X website tag
  • Customer data events and attributes unlocked for custom event mapping and transformation

Take Control of Your Customer Data

Book a Personalized demo to see how you can gain full control over your own customer data.