
Google Analytics

Google Analytics has become the ubiquitous solution for website tracking. Through its many pre-built dashboards, explore your customer data and quickly gain insights that will help you improve your website experience and user acquisition efforts.

Why Google Analytics and MetaRouter

MetaRouter is the only CDI that can reduce the footprint of Gtag, while maintaining complete functionality within the Google Analytics ecosystem. Track even more data with MetaRouter's first-party platform, build audience segments that can be syndicated to other Google tools, and measure attribution- just as you would with a traditional Gtag implementation.

Google Analytics

Get a step-by-step guide on how to setup this integration

Benefits of Using
Google Analytics
with MetaRouter
  • Significantly reduce the footprint of Google's tag ecosystem on your website
  • Up to 30% more data- including conversions- tracked compared to tracking with Google gtag.
  • All customer data events and attributes unlocked for custom event mapping and transformation
  • No effect on website load latency

Take Control of Your Customer Data

Book a Personalized demo to see how you can gain full control over your own customer data.