9 Tools for Better Marketing and Advertising

If you do not see the results that you'd like, it might be time to look at the tools you're using.

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The digital marketing landscape has become a crowded one. Although the competition might be fierce for users’ attention, the right tools can give you an edge without breaking a sweat.

Although you may be using martech (marketing technology) or adtech (advertising technology), you still might be missing out on valuable markets. Is your engagement down? Do you hear crickets when tuning in to your once-profitable platform?

If you do not see the results that you'd like, it might be time to look at the tools you're using. Technology is always in motion: what may have worked well one year can quickly fall flat. A business that doesn’t stay on top of the most effective martech and adtech tools will encounter frustration and lost sales.

However, there are now 7,040 martech solutions currently on the market. How can a busy marketer, executive, or business owner possibly keep up on that much technology?

We’ve rounded up the best emerging technology that will keep your marketing effective, cost-efficient, and easy to use.

Read on to find the best emerging tools in martech and adtech.

The 2019 stack according to chiefmartec.com

2019: The Year of MadTech

Martech and adtech have two distinct and useful purposes:

Martech is about optimizing campaigns and allows marketers to have a more personal relationship with their target customers.

Adtech, on the other hand, is software that targets and delivers these marketing efforts. It concentrates on placing, buying, and selling ads, which makes your advertising dollars go further by getting in front of the right people.

Together, they can help brands and businesses run optimal campaigns that end up in front of the right eyeballs. The distinction between the two, though, is increasingly growing blurred as platforms become more comprehensive.

These comprehensive platforms have grown in popularity and coined “madtech.” Even tools that are specifically designated for martech or adtech might overlap in their race to find the best ways to reach the right customers.

Many of the emerging madtech tools make it easy to develop effective campaigns and get them in front of the right people in one place. The lines are continuing to grow hazy between what is martech and what is adtech.

Here are some of the best emerging technology to put your marketing and advertising budget to its best use:


Experimentation is a critical part of optimizing your marketing strategy. Without it, you could be missing out on user engagement and vital sales. However, not everyone has the engineering resources or budget to create hundreds of tests for optimization.

This is where Optimizely comes in. It lets you get better insights into your marketing strategy with A/B testing and experimentation. It allows you to run multivariate experiments across the web and mobile web. They also include iOS and Android integration so that you can run tests on mobile apps as well.

Optimizely’s user-friendly dashboard lets you monitor performance and statistical significance to give you a full picture of their tests. They also allow unlimited users on your account so that you can collaborate with your entire team. It's no surprise with all they offer that some of the largest brands and companies in the world use Optimizely.


Advertising is a great marketing strategy, but you could be wasting money running ads that won’t be seen by your potential customers. Kenshoo is an online advertising agency that helps your ad money go further. It allows you to make sure that your ads are used to get in front of the right customers.

Kenshoo allows brands and agencies to handle spending across the web and mobile devices better. You can automate and optimize your marketing invests, which helps you make sure that your ad spending is used to work for you. It's also the only Facebook Marketing Partner that also has API solutions for ads across multiple platforms.


Timing is everything when it comes to sales. Drift found that sales reps that reached out to a lead within an hour of filling out a form were seven times more likely to have a meaningful conversation than those who waited even an hour. How many more sales could you make just reaching out to your prospects faster?

Drift provides the answer. The conversational marketing and sales platform helps connect you with leads in real-time. Drift allows you to harness the power of live chat and customer messaging as opposed to forms and follow-ups. You will be more likely to gain a customer when your follow-up is immediate.

Drift works like a virtual assistant at scale for all of your user needs. It's set off by specific triggers or topics to route the user to the right agent automatically. For example, if the user is coming from the sales page or mentions certain sale trigger words, Drift will automatically send them to a sales representative. Their system makes the conversation more effective, leading to happier customers and more conversion.

In addition to routing, Drift also interprets behavioral data to create customer segmentation and targeted messaging. Your users will be able to get a more personalized experience through Drift’s data interpretation. It can also integrate into your help-desk, CRM, or collaboration tools seamlessly.


Personalization is no longer optional for businesses. Users have come to expect a personalized experience with your brand, and you could be missing out on sales if you don’t deliver. Clicky helps your give this personalized experience with their real-time web analytics tool that enables customer segmentation.

Clicky also gives you important insights into your customer base with intuitive heat maps that allow you to analyze exactly where customers are clicking on your website. You can also get analytics that tracks user actions, pages viewed, and total visitors on your site in real-time. You can access all of these reports from a user-friendly dashboard.

Not only can Clicky monitor your website, but they can even work to give you Twitter stats. These stats allow you to see what's working and what isn't on social media. Clicky is all about creating a personalized experience for your customers and making sure that you have access to valuable information to better engage with them.


AI has been taking every part of the technology world by storm. The adtech industry is no exception. Acquisio is a learning platform for SMB advertising. It's self-improving bid and budget technology with automation allows you to optimize the performance of your digital marketing campaign.

In addition to their automated bid and budget technology, Acquisio allows you to track your SEM/PPC campaigns with their analytics dashboard. With the use of A/B testing and ad-building tools, you can find the most effective campaign. Acquisio lets you run the most efficient marketing campaign possible.


Yes, the behemoth of the martech industry continues to emerge with new technology to assist you in your marketing efforts. The team messaging app and project collaboration software will help you increase your organizational efficiency.

Slack's ability to streamline your organization with better communication is essential for your business. Research has found that the more aligned marketing and sales are, the better the overall growth of the organization.

Lucky Orange

Want to know where customers are going when they visit your page? What's popular and what's gathering dust? Lucky Orange can give you a real insight into your website. You can optimize it for more customer retention and better engagement with their tracking tools.

Lucky Orange offers a range of tools for better marketing. It generates a heat map of clicks in real-time, so you know exactly where your users are. It also allows you to chat with visitors and watch their mouse movements on screen for better customer experience. You can gather more information on scroll depth and clicks and create quick polls to collect more information on your customer and how to help them best.


KissMetrics is a conversion rate optimization tool that gives you insight into the visitor behavior on your website. It tracks both first-time visitor as well as return visitor conversion.

What sets KissMetrics apart from the competition is its ability to map out the customer journey on your website in its entirety. You can see what pages they viewed on their way to conversion. This can give you valuable insight into where they typically start on your website, where they decide to become a customer and each step in-between. You can also see where leads drop off, which can allow you to create a better customer experience on your website for more conversions.


Customer.io is an email marketing tool that allows you to send targeted emails to the visitors on your website or mobile app. It can help create a personalized experience for your visitors to draw them back onto your website.

Customer.io is useful for many roles, including marketers and product managers. You can also track how well the emails do or if they need further tweaking with their read notification. You can also track whether they click on the links in your email and it allows for A/B testing as well.

Your emails will be more effective than ever with Customer.io.

Tools for Better Marketing and Advertising

If you want better results from your marketing and advertising efforts, you need better tools. The newest technology allows you to streamline each part of your campaign and create the most impressive outcomes—as long as you pay close attention to the impact CCPA and other data regulations are making on the industry.

But with the right approach, you can securely implement any of these news tools—all while avoiding tag bloat—and begin growing or experimenting right away.