Tracking Anonymous Users Without Third-Party Cookies

Understand your true customer journey and improve CDP addressability (3-5x!) with anonymous-to-known user behavior data.

Anonymous to known users

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Understanding anonymous-to-known user behavior is critical to creating a true customer journey.

It also improves CDP addressability by 3-5x.

That's because, for many companies, a large percentage—often the majority—of their user interactions are anonymous. Tracking the path to purchase requires visibility into all user behavior, even before a person logs in or signs up.

According to a recent study, companies leveraging first-party data experience a 35% higher accuracy in customer journey mapping compared to those relying on third-party cookies. This stark contrast emphasizes the importance of transitioning to solutions like MetaRouter.

While Google has recently abandoned its plans to phase out third-party cookies, this doesn't diminish the importance of first-party data strategies. Firefox and Safari have already eliminated third-party cookies, and the industry continues to move towards more privacy-centric solutions. In this evolving landscape, MetaRouter's approach to tracking anonymous-to-known users remains highly relevant and valuable for businesses seeking to understand their customer journey comprehensively.

Fortunately, MetaRouter has the solution.

How MetaRouter Tracks Anonymous-to-Known Users

MetaRouter collects data in a first-party context, which means your organization is in control. Not only are there obvious privacy and compliance benefits, but MetaRouter's process also provides a significant increase in website performance, impacting SEO and revenue.

By utilizing first-party cookies, MetaRouter clients have seen a 20% reduction in page load times, which directly contributes to a 15% improvement in SEO performance. Additionally, clients report up to a 25% increase in conversion rates due to the enhanced user experience provided by faster-loading pages.

Here's how we process anonymous user behavior in a secure way:

1. A person visits your product page. The browser tracks them via MetaRouter, which runs on your private cloud (ie. the visitor’s behavior is secure).

2. MetaRouter creates a unique ID and stores it in the browser as a first-party cookie (these cookies aren't going anywhere!). This ID will be tied to every future event.

3. MetaRouter then connects with all your vendors and checks for matching user IDs.

4. All known identifiers are added to the data set, revealing a wealth of previous events that can be added to that user's profile.

5. If/when the user finally signs in, the unique ID is updated. Even if they don’t, a robust customer journey emerges for visualization in your CDP or analytics tool.

In addition to creating your user journey, using MetaRouter’s Unique ID gives you the ability to know more about your users while better protecting their information:

  • Control who can sync a user’s identity
  • Expect up to 30% more events tracked when integrated with MetaRouter
  • Revoke identity access for vendors with a few clicks
  • Set your own compliance standards to respect your users’ tracking preferences
  • Eliminate duplicate event and identity sync calls from the browser

If you want to find out more and start tracking your anonymous users, reach out anytime.