MetaRouter Announces New Features to Enhance Flexibility and Efficiency for Enterprise-Level Customer Data Management

Transform, integrate, and sync customer data across various platforms and systems with ease.

Transform, integrate, and sync customer data across various platforms and systems with ease.

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Denver, CO [August 20, 2024] – MetaRouter, the trailblazers in server-side tracking and real-time event management, is excited to introduce new features designed to tackle the growing complexity of enterprise tech stacks and customer data requirements. With the release of Global Transformation Layer, Custom Integrations, and BYO Syncs, MetaRouter’s Summer Product Release is aimed at making it easier than ever for developers to shape data as needed for downstream use cases, connect into systems with greater ease and autonomy, and avoid relying on standard pre-built solutions (or waiting for vendors to build out custom solutions).

MetaRouter's new features emphasize being truly flexible and efficient by offering better:

  • Data preparation with the Global Transformation Layer
  • Agile Data Connectivity with Custom Integrations
  • Identity synchronization with BYO Syncs

Every company, from healthcare to e-commerce and beyond, builds and designs tech stacks and data layers that are highly specific to their business needs. Even within verticals, there is a varying degree of complexity and diversity. For example, some e-commerce companies might sell sensitive products that need data obfuscation or higher levels of encryption versus a business that specifically sells jeans.

Traditionally, solving these challenges has required significant engineering resources and time. MetaRouter addresses these issues head-on by equipping IT teams and developers with powerful, customizable solutions that streamline workflows, reduce data redundancy and complexity, and provide unparalleled flexibility.

“A 'one size fits all' approach is a difficult dynamic for enterprises with a broad set of customer data systems, vendors, and use-cases, and rigid customer data management tools have not historically provided adequate solutions that allow for true tech agnosticism and interoperability. Companies were coming to us because they wanted to unlock new use-cases and unify their customer data across them, but constraints like exorbitant fees to export data out of monoliths and walled gardens are routinely disincentivizing innovation. They needed integrations or syncs to be different from what their standard libraries and tech stacks could offer,” said Greg Brunk, Head of Product at MetaRouter. 

“We are even 'eating our own dog food' and leveraging these features ourselves, like using BYO Syncs to move data in and out of private loyalty APIs and internal data stores, and Custom Integrations to power advanced impression routing use-cases for customers building their own media networks, dramatically enhancing the depth and value of their customer data streams without compromising the security and visibility of their internal services.

Our goal with this release is to move the industry forward together by providing powerful, user-friendly tools for enterprise-level customer data management and making it easier to be more flexible, ultimately helping companies deliver better outcomes faster with their customer data.”

What’s Included?

Flexible Data Preparation with MetaRouter’s Transformation Layer

The Transformation Layer is a powerful feature within the MetaRouter platform that enables users to create and utilize Lua Modules for transforming, filtering, and mapping data within integrations. By allowing users to create reusable Lua Modules and simplifying complex schema conversions, the Transformation Layer streamlines workflows and reduces the time and effort required for data transformations, ensuring the data is correctly formatted and processed before reaching downstream systems such as analytics platforms and CRMs.

Flexible Data Connection with Custom Integrations 

We’re releasing our first feature of many in an effort to make real-time data integration easy by pushing data to connected systems immediately as events occur, thus eliminating the inherent delays of traditional API polling methods. This feature provides enhanced flexibility by allowing users to build their own webhook connections to any destination, and future releases will empower users to connect to any HTTP endpoint, including custom APIs, internal tools, and less common vendors, bypassing the constraints of pre-configured integrations. The setup process is streamlined, requiring only a URL endpoint for data reception, which simplifies configuration and significantly boosts efficiency. Additionally, users can easily customize their webhook settings to match specific technical requirements, ensuring seamless integration tailored to their organizational needs and facilitating straightforward data management and updates, such as connecting to a homegrown ad server or email activation tool.

Flexible Identity Synchronization with Build Your Own (BYO) Syncs

User identity has become a critical component of marketing, advertising, and analytical strategies. However, different systems have unique capabilities and requirements for identity synchronization. MetaRouter’s BYO Syncs offers multiple methods to accommodate these diverse needs, ensuring compatibility with various systems, allowing users to create custom syncs and providing greater flexibility and control over their identity synchronization processes.

This means users can now sync third-party IDs with MetaRouter to any connection, including homegrown identity services and downstream tools such as internal analytics tools or identity services – like connecting an internal ID system based on past customer purchases. With multiple sync methods available, including Fetch, matchPixel, urlParams, localStorage, and First Party cookie, users can choose the most appropriate method for their specific needs, whether syncing with internal systems or third-party tools. This customization ensures precise control over the synchronization process, enhancing data accuracy and reliability while accommodating diverse integration needs.

How Current Customers Are Using These New Features

  • Global Transformation Layer: Fortune 50 retailers are utilizing this feature for a variety of use-cases, like obfuscation and conditional routing of sensitive information before delivery to integrations, ensuring customer data is handled as securely as possible.
  • Custom Integrations: Customers are building highly customized integrations, particularly around impression routing and tracking for their brand partners' on-site and in-app media efforts. 
  • Build Your Own Syncs: Customers are connecting to secure, owned APIs to gather and enrich critical loyalty and identity information from their internal systems into their analytics feed in real time, powering enhanced analytics, CDP, and customer 360 use cases.

This release is designed to empower enterprise-level organizations to scale efficiently, even as their data requirements and tech stacks become more complex. With the new features of the Transformation Layer, Custom Integrations, and BYO Syncs, IT teams and developers have the tools they need to manage data handling, integration, and synchronization with better flexibility and efficiency.

To learn more, visit the feature highlight page.